
Maine Writers Alliance Award 2016

Here's to Maine women writers in this unprecedented and powerful collection of quotes. . . . Not merely a collection, but a community of voices that speaks to us all about the lives of women throughout time and the deep truths of the human condition and its formidable spirit.”
—Richard Blanco, fifth Inaugural Poet of the US


"¡Padrísimo! No sooner does Liza Bakewell take the helm than it becomes obvious how much joy and enlightenment might come from the study of language."

Ilan Stavans, author of Spanglish, and general editor of The Norton Anthologyof Latino Literature

Explore Mesolore

"A highly innovative and appealing pedagogical [and research] tool for teaching Latin American Colonial Discourse. A must."

-Juan Poblete, UC Santa Cruz

Liza Bakewell

"Liza Bakewell is a linguistic anthropologist with the soul of a novelist."
Luisa Valenzuela
Author of Black Novel With Argentines